AmeriCorps members, families, friends, and others launched AmeriCorps week with a bang! We engaged, inspired, and had fun! Here is the rundown...
New Haven:
Future Coaches
65 New Haven high school students and 25 future coach volunteers came together in an Action Marathon. During the event, future coach volunteers supported students in creating action steps to move their future projects along. We enlisted volunteers to make flyers and assist at events;sent emails to potential donors; created timelines and proposals, and budgets for their events.
Students ready for action! Students in action! Future coaches=AmeriCoaches!
Healthy & Hands-on
AmeriCorps members interacted with 15 kids in a variety of hands-on activities and who were excited to learn new things!Healthy & Hands-on
Putting the pieces together! Building a car track! Arts and Craft!
Meal on Wheels Preparation
Meal on Wheels Preparation
In a matter of several hours AmeriCorps members, alums, and friends were able to package 756 meals, 3,000 fruit cups, and 500 bread packages for home-bound senior residents in the New London, Windham and parts of Tolland county.
Assembly Crew! Alums are still getting it done! Assembly Line
AmeriCorps truly works and gets things done!
Don't forget to take pictures/videos to participate in the social media challenge themes. Submit on InterCorps CT social media by 8 pm focusing on these themes/hashtags.
Instagram: @ InterCorpsCT
Use #InterCorpsCouncilCT along with:
Monday, March 7th: #AmeriCorpsWorks
Wednesday, March 9th: #MyCorpsValues
Friday, March 11th: #AmeriCorpsTeam
Submissions that get the most shares and/or likes in each category will be awarded a prize. Winners of each category will be announced at the Closing Ceremony on March 12th in Hartford. Please leave any questions below!
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